Friday 16 September 2011

Day 5.. Friday Aug 19th. Tintern to Wentnor. 81 miles

Morning Sunshine at the Wye Valley Hotel
So we were now heading north, the weather had improved yesterday afternoon and we woke this morning with prospects of a fine warm day with very little wind. After staying the previous two days in travel lodges the Wye Valley Hotel was a pleasant change, a fine breakfast was devoured and we gathered ourselves outside enjoying the early morning sunshine whilst giving our bikes a generous coating of GT85.
As the terrain was fairly flat the mileage has increased. Serious mileage as far as I'm concerned. Never having cycled more than 75 miles this is a first for me.
Jane and I wanted to get 50 miles knocked off before stopping for lunch, so Dunkertons Cider Mill was our aim at 52miles. We left at 8.45 and were quickly into our rhythm. Yesterdays tired legs revived,I was feeling refreshed and strong.
The Countryside was beautiful as we headed along the Wye Valley on the A466. We followed the river wye, which had fast flowing water and rapids from the previous three days rain. Having a great vantage point from the elevated position of the road. The only down side being the shade the forest trees offered,making it feel quite fresh. After 5 miles we crossed over the river continuing up the A466  to MONMOUTH. Then following the country roads that ran parallel with the river monnow and into HEREFORDSHIRE.

It was truly becoming a glorious English summers day, no better way to spend it than cycling through the fantastic Herefordshire countryside, where we repeatedly had panoramic views across this green and pleasant land. At 20 miles we had to cycle through a farm and were greeted by the startled barks of the farms working colly. Then a sharp descent where the roads became pretty rough because of the farm traffic.

We briefly touched the B4348 crossing the railway line then back onto the narrow farm lanes, passing MADLEY and BISHOPSTONE. We then had another 10 miles of narrow lanes through woodland and hedgerows accompanied by lots of hedgerow birds playing chase with us it seemed criss-crossing in front of us in a song bird relay race. We reached our  stop after just over 3 hours. A very healthy average of 16mph. It was the first time this trip we had done 50 miles straight off and we were ready for some lunch.
Dunkerton's Cider Mill was an ideal choice. A beautiful old converted farm where they grow apples and pears,using a traditional press and mill.We could easily have spent the rest of the day here in this idyllic spot and even enjoyed a guided tour around the orchards. Maybe another time! As it was we were content with relaxing outside in the sunshine, with a nice bowl  of soup with carrot cake to follow.
Washed down with a small bottle of cider, which tasted divine, although at 7% I decided not to drink it all. Having a couple of bottles of homemade raspberry aid instead which was delicious.

We lingered for an hour finally pulling ourselves out of our slumber to cycle the final 29 miles to WENTNOR.
Just as we headed down the road Tony caught us up in the van. The first time on this trip. He relayed to us that everyone was enjoying this day and he was headed to Dunkertons to wait for the other cyclists. So we were still ahead after stopping for an hour! The rest of the afternoon was much as the morning, great car less roads, stunning views and we were soon into SHROPSHIRE where the roads started to have a bit more elevation with a few steeper climbs and descents in the Shropshire hills. We were grateful for one of those descents , whilst travelling through another farm we were chased out by a couple of dogs.
Eventually we got to a T- junction and had to split up as Janes B&b was in Norbury to the left and mine in Wentnor to the right. The first time I've been on my own this week, I then proceeded to miss my turn and cycled on oblivious for another couple of miles before re-tracing my steps and climbing a very steep hill to my b&b the Crown Inn.
A great days cycling in which we had covered 80 miles in 6 hours. The crown inn was shut when I got there!
Fortunately the tumble driers in the laundry had packed in and one of the staff was hanging sheets out the back, so I was able to get to my room. It was only 3 'o clock.
The intended roster point for tonight's meal was the Inn On The Green which I had just passed down the hill. So I had a bath and waited for Tony to arrive with the bags. He got in at 4.30.
The room was a bit grubby and antiquated with the most uncomfortable bed . So as soon as I got changed I went downstairs to the bar. I had a pint then decided to walk back down the hill to the Inn on the Green. As Caroline and the boys were staying there, they would be back soon  and I fancied some company. Just as  got to the pub they arrived, as did Jane who had been given a lift by her host. Jenny and Dave arrived soon after and were taken back to their accommodation by Tony. Dave had a couple of punctures today which slowed his progress.
When we eventually all gathered together for dinner we had another decent meal and fine evening.
We seem to be getting along well as a group, it's just a shame really that 'The Posh' keep themselves apart. Still their loss.

You can view today's  ride from this link:


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